Life happens. Find opportunity.

Hello and welcome to Karmatunity!

I love writing, and I love spreading positivity. As a firm believer in karma and finding the positives in life, I thought long and hard about a word that would embrace both. Introducing – Karmatunity!

One of the greatest things about social media is that there is typically no agenda. People can post about what frustrates them, or what excites them. They can share pictures from a celebration, or for grief. We can choose to engage, or we can navigate our way to another location or site. Karmatunity is no different, but while we may delve into the negative from time to time, we must always endeavour to find the silver lining, hard as it may be at times.

Life is full of choices…we can choose to say forget it! But the key is, we made that choice

Life is full of choices. We make choices each day as soon as we wake up. We can choose what time to wake up, we can choose if we smile, or snarl as we push the snooze button. We can choose to be excited about our day as we look in the mirror, or we can choose to dread every second of it. The point is….we have a choice. I’m not naïve enough to think that we can travel through life choosing everything that happens to us, as if our life is a “pick your destiny” type game. However, we do, 100% of the time, have a choice in how we react and reflect on events in our lives. At the very basic level, we can choose to be happy that we are alive to wake another day, even if everything else in our day goes wrong. The next day, we can choose to feel proud about what we accomplished the day before, and use what we learned to shape the day ahead, and so on and so on. We can also choose to say “forget it!” (this is the clean version)and go back to bed….but the key is, we made that choice.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you return often. There’s lots to say, lots to think about, and if we try hard enough, there’s Karmatunity to be found everywhere.

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