Life happens. Find opportunity.

They say the internet is a lonely place – I beg to differ.

I’ve been writing for many years, but blogging for Karmatunity for just a few months, and I have learned a few things along the way. Firstly, people are generally positive and in good spirits when they comment on this blog, which is the goal, after all. Feedback is anything from a pleasant thank you, to a humorous remark, to a sarcastic twist, but for the most part, everyone has been positive. I know the time will come when I face a keyboard warrior (I have met a few in my days before blogging) that is so unrelenting that I may have to accept the fact that even the most motivationally positive content won’t help them find the silver lining, and I’m okay with this, as long as I stick to some of the things I write about, and remain true to my values – it’s easier said than done some days….like all of you, I am human.

So, what motivates people to blog, even if there is a risk of being attacked by those who gain strength from the protection that the digital world affords them? I’ve learned, of late, that it is that very thing that motivates people to put fingers to keys. There is a sense of freedom when someone expresses their thoughts online, and I’ve noticed that there are many people who really pour their emotions and passions into what they post online.

Throughout my career I have been a firm believer in face to face discussions when things get tough. I have pushed myself and my team to place ourselves in uncomfortable positions so we can all have honest, open, and transparent discussions – and most times this works. There are times when even these face to face discussions result in heated arguments, but I’ve learned that they are far less frequent when the interaction is face to face than when the interaction is online, via text, or email. The ones that hide behind the protection of a keyboard or device don’t have the courage to say what’s on their mind face to face, or what they are trying to say is so inaccurate or inappropriate that it shouldn’t be said face to face – if you find these people, distance yourself from them. You may be able to help the odd one of them, but your efforts would go much farther with people who genuinely want to connect with you.

They respond and have fulsome conversations with people all over the world

There is a rather large group of people I’ve come across online who use the digital world for good. They share their feelings and sometimes pain. They look for positive feedback and reassurance, and often receive it. They respond and have fulsome conversations with people all over the world, almost always with people they have never met….and will never meet. This has been astounding to me.

I’ve read posts about loss, suicide, relationships, and financial struggles

One of the challenges with promoting a positivity blog is that I come across people who are really struggling. I’ve read posts about loss, suicide, relationships, and financial struggles, and it’s clear to see that some of these people are in unimaginable pain. It’s also clear to see that they have no one to turn to other than those who have accepted them online. It is remarkable how open and transparent some of these people have been. Some have shared stories of their own. Some have offered words of encouragement, and others have simply said they are there to listen, acknowledging that there is likely nothing more they can do behind the keyboard….but hopefully remembering that listening is one of the most powerful tools any of us have. It got me thinking; is it possible that the internet has actually brought some of us closer together?

Full disclosure – while I enjoy the time I spend with coworkers, friends, and family, being at social gatherings and events drains me. I’m stuck in a paradox of loving public speaking and community engagement, but also being totally fine on my own. I share thoughts and ideas through writing, not to receive a response from anyone, but to simply get some my thoughts down on paper, or screen. Aside from the hundreds of emails I respond to each week at work, and this blog, the internet serves three purposes for me. I read the news daily, followed up by a quick Wordle. I keep up on friends and aquaintances (present and past) on social media, and although I don’t connect with anyone very often, I love seeing how everyone is doing. Finally, I love DIY content, and even if I never use some of the things I learn, I enjoy seeing how others do things. This is it, and if I ever need personal connection or support, I have a very small group of friends and a very supportive family to lean on.

This is where the power of the internet comes in – there are people out there who may not have a close group of friends, or a supportive family, or even a job to go to where co-workers can lend an ear. These people are just as human as the rest and need human connection, and after witnessing some of the connection online over the last several months I worry about those who don’t have access to it, and wonder how people carried on before the internet became so widely available.

Technology has brought negativity closer to us than ever…there is a silver lining we can’t ignore

There is evil out there, whether on the screen, on social media, or on the subway. Technology has brought negativity closer to us than ever. We see the tragedy of war in real time. We hear about disasters around the world the second they happen, rather than waiting days or weeks for the news to spread to our shores. We see our most vulnerable people taken advantage of through cyber attacks, luring, and scams. But, as we do our best to deal with the negative events, there is a silver lining we can’t ignore. The internet, for those who have access to it, has provided a mechanism for millions of people to connect. Most of them do so with the best of intentions, and many of those who have been helped may pay it forward. While you won’t find me becoming more social online, or in person for that matter, you’d better believe that I have a new appreciation for what the internet is capable of bringing to those who need it – finding opportunity in something the world threw at us….I call it Karmatunity.

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